1. Lice is next to nuclear war in a list of Things I Might Not Survive.
2. Fund raising is not my gig.
3. Turns out I am kind of a Comment Whore. It makes me almost giddy when someone comments on something I wrote. It makes writing on the Internet to no one in particular (besides my future self) kind of worth while.
4. Turns out I may be addicted to reading other people's blogs. Before I know it, hours have passed. Laundry is still piling up, my prints will not do themselves, the food still needs to be cooked, the dishes still need to be done, but I feel a little closer (in a totally voyeuristic way) to someone I do not know at all and will probably never meet. If that's weird, sue me.
5. I pray that any remaining vestiges of KK's marriage and divorce, the Royal Wedding, and Steve Jobs' legacy stay in 2011. But, I also understand that even God has limitations.
6. I will no doubt ask Dead or Alive? of the following people in 2012: Kim Jung Il, Heavy D, Andy Rooney, Amy Winehouse, and Betty Ford (yes, it's true - dead). Let's face it, my memory is that bad. If you didn't die a few minutes ago - I cannot remember if you are dead.
7. I will for sure take my kids and hubby into 2012. Please and thank you. Oh, and I will take procrastination, too.
8. The Catholic Church decided to change the words of prayers that I had committed to memory I think since the womb. I am not sure I forgive them.
9. Pinterest became like beer and dark chocolate for me. It remains a "happy place."
10. Hubby joined the rest of America and the majority of citizens in the developed (and undeveloped) countries on Facebook. His life now revolves around status updates and I am pretty sure his IQ has dropped 10 points (JUST KIDDING, HUBBY).
11. 2011 was the year I propelled myself into this century by getting a smart phone AND using ear buds....shocking, but true.
12. I retained my title of Potty Training Nazi by successfully training my fourth (and last - I am Catholic, but not crazy) child to pee and poop in the toilet. Next my kids will be going to Harvard.
13. Since I basically skipped my birthday in 2011 due to Black Lung, lice, and appliance issues, I have decided to have a kick a$$ birthday party in 2012.
14. I remain riveted by world events, deeply concerned about the status (not Facebook status) of America, compassionate about my fellow human beings, and compelled to do my part to make this world a better place. You just wouldn't know it by reading my blog.
That's my list. I hate that it's an even number, but I hear baby stirring and that can't be good. She may be potty trained, but she is still three after all. Peace and I hope you are with people you love to ring in the new year.