But, I just finished reading an excellent post over at one of my favorite bloggers' space and he said try to post everyday because your readers want to subscribe to something that is worthwhile. So, please think I'm worthwhile? (He may have also said something about groveling, too, but I'm not above that yet.)
I've also had the opportunity to read lots of posts lately where the blogger tells you a lot of things about himself/herself so that you can get to know him/her better. At least I think that's why they are doing it. Do you want to know me better? Probably not, but here it goes anyway.
1. I am a compulsive list maker.
2. Sometimes I go months without washing my jeans.
3. I often ask and answer questions all by myself. And by "often" I mean all the time. Example: This is the running dialogue in my head right now.
Is this post crazy?
Do I care?
Should I still publish it?
Why did you ask that question when you actually knew the answer before you even typed it?
I have no idea.
4. I blame my kids and hubby for stuff I do at least daily. Example: When I've eaten 10 candies out of my kids' candy baskets after they've gone to bed and they find my wrappers in the trash the next morning I calmly say when they ask how the wrappers got in the trash, "Oh, how did those get in the trash? That's weird. I guess dad was craving chocolate last night." My kids, "But, dad doesn't even like chocolate." Me, "WELL, THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD THEN, HUH???"
5. So, is #4 basically lying? Yes, it is.
6. I hate talking on the phone. Don't ever call me and tell me something remotely important that needs action because usually I am not even listening. The washing machine that I am loading is making too much noise and I can't hear you. (My close friends and most of my family know this about me so I don't consider it rude.) (Sometimes I lie to myself.)
7. I am mostly deaf. In both ears. Not really, but it's psychosomatic so that makes it true.
8. I don't trust doctors. Unless they are taking a baby out of my womb. In that case I trust them more than hubby.
9. I brush my teeth anytime I am upstairs in my bathroom. Even if I brushed them earlier and I haven't eaten anything.
10. I read a lot in the bathroom. My kids *might* think I have bowel problems because they often pound on the door and scream, "ARE YOU DONE YET? ARE YOU OKAY? GAWD, MOM. YOU'VE BEEN IN THERE FOR LIKE AN HOUR!" Half the time I'm just sitting on the pot (the closed pot) reading my book and grunting occasionally at them. I get my best reading done that way.
11. I constantly curse at spell check. Example (I just said this to spell check.): No you, moron. Cheesus H. Christ. I typed, "hte" and you think I want to say "Hate???" WTF? You are a worse speller AND WRITER than I am??? How would that even make sense??? And this is supposed to be helpful??? I hate you.
I could go on and on. Who knew? Turns out I love talking about myself. But, this is to make you guys happy, right?
Now, tell me something